Wednesday, July 6, 2005


7/6/05 - HANNAH HAS COMPLETED HER BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT. Hannah's transfusion began about 12pm today and finished about 5pm. Hannah did REMARKABLY WELL!! She had NO ADVERSE REACTIONS OR SIDE EFFECTS. She did have a slightly low heartrate throughout the procedure due to all of her premeds but that corrected itself. Hannah has been given some demerol for the pain in her throat. She does have some sores which are a result of the chemotherapy. This has been affecting her appetite. But Hannah has been restarted on the TPN (nutritonal supplement) and has had good results with an increase in weight to 13.3kg (just over 29lbs). Hannah will most likely be put onto a morphine drip tomorrow to control any pain from side effects. She has no activity restrictions but is put on a LOW BACTRIAL DIET to reduce the chance of developing any infections due to ill prepared food. These next few days will be CRUTIAL to Hannah's recovery as she has a VERY HIGH chance of developing infections. Hannah has special precautions that are in place while in the isolation room. She can only take in toys/items that are washable, but NO STUFFED ANIMALS. Her laundry must be done in a very specific way to prevent any contamination. Hannah slept through the majority of the bone marrow transplant. She did receive a lot of premeds that kept her drowsy. She became fully awake about 8 o'clock this evening and is up talking. She has not had anything to eat yet but has had some sips to drink. NOW IS THE WAITING GAME. It will take approximately 1 - 3 weeks to know if the bone marrow has taken. Hannah will be closely monitored for infections and have routine blood work. In total Hannah received 381cc (ml) of fresh bone marrow. All we know about the donor is that it is OUTSIDE OF CANADA. The bone marrow was extracted from the donor this morning. MANY, MANY THANKS AGAIN, to this wonderful angel who has selflessly given of themself to provide Hannah with a fighting chance of beating this disease!! MAY GOD BLESS YOU WITH LIFE'S RICHEST BLESSINGS! For Hannah, MAY GOD WATCH OVER YOU AND KEEP YOU PROTECTED IN HIS LOVING ARMS! And for each of you who keep updated on Hannah's conditon and keep her in your prayers, THANK YOU.

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