Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Hannah's First Round

3/16/05 - Hannah has been feeling very good the past few days. She is eating and drinking well. She is also walking around on her own. She had been in bed for so long and her legs were sore and getting tired easily, but now is enjoying longer walks around the hospital. Hannah remains to have a low platelet count (6), low hemoglobin (60's) and low white blood cells (>0.5) as a result of her chemotherapy and is getting blood transfusions almost daily. Her counts have not been rising as fast as expected. She is scheduled to start her second round of chemo in about a week, but we'll have to see how things are then. Unfortunately, yesterday Hannah developed a bacterial infection known as VRE. She has been having several loose bowel movements a day since Sunday and her stool has tested positive. VRE is Vancomycin-Resisitant Enterococcus, which means it does not respond to the Vancomycin antibiotic which is usually used to treat this type of infection.Therefore universal precautions are now in place and Hannah is in isolation in her room. She is not allowed to leave her room at anytime (pretty frustrating). She is not allowed any visitors (except mom and dad) who must were gowns and gloves when in contact with her. Although this bacteria is not a danger to a healthy person, it can be extremely dangerous to the young, the old and those who have a low immune system like Hannah. So healthy people can be a carrier and pass it on. This isolation will be in place until Hannah is cleared of this which could take up to several weeks. Hannah also spiked a fever yesterday and had to be restarted on IV antibiotics. They have yet to determine the cause of the fever. Karen and Stephen are meeting with the head of oncology today to determine a plan for Hannah's treatment. Thank you all for your continued support and well wishes. Hannah does have access to the internet at the hospital and loves having her emails and guestbook entries read to her.
2 weeks ago I had a central line put in. It has a port that hangs out and all my chemotherapy medication, blood transfusions, antibiotics and blood tests get given or taken through it. I don't need to get pricked by anymore needles because everything goes through the port.
I am keeping my mom busy all day. I go for long walks in the stroller around the hospital, play and do crafts in the playroom. I am able to do short walks on my own but I get tired easily. I am eating well and sleep well when I choose to. I spend time watching movies and playing my leapster. I miss all of you especially my little sister Emily. I get short visits with her when Grandma brings her to the hospital. Thank you all for your well wishes and prayers.We are still awaiting the news of Emily's test results to see if she is a match for the bone marrow transplant. We may have the results by Friday, lets all pray that they are good.
Mommy and I had the hairdresser come over and give us both a short haircut. Mommy felt if my hair was short it would be less traumatic if it started to fall out as a result of the chemo. I was able to save my braid.

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