Tuesday, January 24, 2006

01/24/06 - Some ENCOURAGING NEWS today. The blood test results were not as drastic as the doctors had anticipated. Although they were ELEVATED they were expecting the results to be much higher and more conclusive. Because the results were not definitive Hannah will be going in tomorrow for a Bone Marrow Aspirtation. This will determine whether she is having a relapse. If all goes well after the aspiration and she doesn't develop a fever she will come home later the same day. The DRAWBACK to this test is that the results WILL NOT be available for 2-6 weeks. As we continue to wait for the news let's keep Hannah in our prayers. The doctors did say that there are also certain VIRUSES that could be altering her blood levels in the same way. Let's HOPE AND PRAY that's all it is. Another GOOD NOTE, IF NEEDED there is still enough bone marrow left from Hannah's ANGEL donor to give her a TOP UP , which MAY BE all she needs. Because of the INTENSITY of the chemo Hannah received before her Bone Marrow Transplant in July it is not ABLE TO BE GIVEN for a full year following transplant. The TOP UP of donor bone marrow can be given without chemotherapy, IF REQUIRED. Let's all remain POSITIVE and PRAY for the BEST results possible!!! GOOD LUCK TOMMORROW HANNAH!!!!WE LOVE YOU!!!!

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