Thursday, May 12, 2005

5/12/05 - Yesterday Hannah had allergy testing at the hospital due to a past reaction to penicillin. When Hannah gets her bone marrow transplant the preferred antibiotic is Penicillin because is has the least side effects. When Hannah was young she had a reaction to penicillin and therefore was thought to be allergic to it but further testing has proved negative, therefore Hannah WILL BE able to receive penicillin when needed. YEAH!! On a SAD note, Hannah developed a FEVER late last night at home and had to be READMITTED to the hospital early this morning. No news yet as to the cause of the fever but Hannah is now on antibiotics and will remain in hospital for AT LEAST the next 48 hours for blood work and cultures. Hopefully things clear up FAST and Hannah and Karen will be back home soon. WE'RE THINKING OF YOU HANNAH!!

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